Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Battle of the Oregon Choirs!

We got to St. Mary's Cathedral in Killarney about 5:50 p.m. to sing at the 6:15 Mass. However, when we got there we discovered another choir was there to sing as well -- and not just any choir, but another Oregon choir! The Cascades Choir from the Dalles was also supposed to sing! And of course the person who'd scheduled all this for the cathedral was nowhere to be found... So our director and theirs arm-wrestled (JUST kidding) and worked out an arrangement to share the service. We wound up singing one song (The Glory of the Father) right before Mass, as well as the Kyrie, and Pater Noster at their appropriate places during the Mass, and the Adoramus Te at Communion and the Ave Maria right after Mass. The Cascades Choir sang one song before Mass, two songs at the Offertory and a song after Mass (after we sang). I think everyone was satisfied with this arrangement.
The cathedral was built in the 19th century and is very, very beautiful. We were dressed in our formal attire and looked quite spiffy, befitting the surroundings. It was a real pleasure for me personally to attend Mass and receive Communion at this holy place.
Oh, and if the whole thing wasn't surreal enough -- we've been told the Oregon Repertory Singers (ANOTHER Oregon choir) is supposed to sing at the cathedral *tomorrow* night. And, there's a choir concert tonight at another St. Mary's (an Anglican church) down the street from our hotel right now. Wow! As Danny, our driver, said -- what's going on in Oregon that half of Oregon is singing in Killarney?!

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